Shell Tools and Environments

Command-line Environment


Teaching: 40 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are dotfiles?

  • How to control jobs and processes?

  • What are the benefits of using multiplexers and aliases?


We have been focusing on executing different commands in the shell so far, now we are going to see how to run several processes at the same time while keeping track of them, how to stop or pause a specific process and how to make a process run in the background.

We will also learn about different ways to improve your shell and other tools, by defining aliases and configuring them using dotfiles. Both of these can help you save time, e.g. by using the same configurations in all your machines without having to type long commands.

Job Control

In some cases you will need to interrupt a job while it is executing, for instance if a command is taking too long to complete (such as a find with a very large directory structure to search through). Most of the time, you can do Ctrl-C and the command will stop. But how does this actually work and why does it sometimes fail to stop the process?

Killing a Process

Your shell is using a UNIX communication mechanism called a signal to communicate information to the process. When a process receives a signal it stops its execution, deals with the signal and potentially changes the flow of execution based on the information that the signal delivered. For this reason, signals are software interrupts.

In our case, when typing Ctrl-C this prompts the shell to deliver a SIGINT signal to the process.

Here’s a minimal example of a Python program that captures SIGINT and ignores it, no longer stopping. To kill this program we can now use the SIGQUIT signal instead, by typing Ctrl-\.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import signal, time

def handler(signum, time):
    print("\nI got a SIGINT, but I am not stopping")

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
i = 0
while True:
    print("\r{}".format(i), end="")
    i += 1

Here’s what happens if we send SIGINT twice to this program, followed by SIGQUIT. Note that ^ is how Ctrl is displayed when typed in the terminal.

$ python
I got a SIGINT, but I am not stopping
I got a SIGINT, but I am not stopping
30^\[1]    39913 quit       python

While SIGINT and SIGQUIT are both usually associated with terminal related requests, a more generic signal for asking a process to exit gracefully is the SIGTERM signal. To send this signal we can use the kill command, with the syntax kill -TERM <PID>.

Pausing and backgrounding processes

Signals can do other things beyond killing a process. For instance, SIGSTOP pauses a process. In the terminal, typing Ctrl-Z will prompt the shell to send a SIGTSTP signal, short for Terminal Stop (i.e. the terminal’s version of SIGSTOP).

We can then continue the paused job in the foreground or in the background using fg or bg, respectively.

The jobs command lists the unfinished jobs associated with the current terminal session. You can refer to those jobs using their pid (you can use pgrep to find that out). More intuitively, you can also refer to a process using the percent symbol followed by its job number (displayed by jobs). To refer to the last backgrounded job you can use the $! special parameter.

One more thing to know is that the & suffix in a command will run the command in the background, giving you the prompt back, although it will still use the shell’s STDOUT which can be annoying (use shell redirections in that case).

To background an already running program you can do Ctrl-Z followed by bg. Note that backgrounded processes are still children processes of your terminal and will die if you close the terminal (this will send yet another signal, SIGHUP). To prevent that from happening you can run the program with nohup (a wrapper to ignore SIGHUP), or use disown if the process has already been started. Alternatively, you can use a terminal multiplexer as we will see in the next section.

Below is a sample session to showcase some of these concepts.

$ sleep 1000
[1]  + 18653 suspended  sleep 1000

$ nohup sleep 2000 &
[2] 18745
appending output to nohup.out

$ jobs
[1]  + suspended  sleep 1000
[2]  - running    nohup sleep 2000

$ bg %1
[1]  - 18653 continued  sleep 1000

$ jobs
[1]  - running    sleep 1000
[2]  + running    nohup sleep 2000

$ kill -STOP %1
[1]  + 18653 suspended (signal)  sleep 1000

$ jobs
[1]  + suspended (signal)  sleep 1000
[2]  - running    nohup sleep 2000

$ kill -SIGHUP %1
[1]  + 18653 hangup     sleep 1000

$ jobs
[2]  + running    nohup sleep 2000

$ kill -SIGHUP %2

$ jobs
[2]  + running    nohup sleep 2000

$ kill %2
[2]  + 18745 terminated  nohup sleep 2000

$ jobs

A special signal is SIGKILL since it cannot be captured by the process and it will always terminate it immediately. However, it can have bad side effects such as leaving orphaned children processes.

You can learn more about these and other signals here or typing man signal or kill -t.

Terminal Multiplexers

When using the command line interface you will often want to run more than one thing at once. For instance, you might want to run your editor and your program side by side. Although this can be achieved by opening new terminal windows, using a terminal multiplexer is a more versatile solution.

Terminal multiplexers like tmux allow you to multiplex terminal windows using panes and tabs so you can interact with multiple shell sessions. Moreover, terminal multiplexers let you detach a current terminal session and reattach at some point later in time. This can make your workflow much better when working with remote machines since it avoids the need to use nohup and similar tricks.

The most popular terminal multiplexer these days is tmux. tmux is highly configurable and by using the associated keybindings you can create multiple tabs and panes and quickly navigate through them.

tmux expects you to know its keybindings, and they all have the form <C-b> x where that means (1) press Ctrl+b, (2) release Ctrl+b, and then (3) press x. tmux has the following hierarchy of objects:

For further reading, here is a quick tutorial on tmux and this has a more detailed explanation that covers the original screen command. You might also want to familiarize yourself with screen, since it comes installed in most UNIX systems.


It can become tiresome typing long commands that involve many flags or verbose options. For this reason, most shells support aliasing. A shell alias is a short form for another command that your shell will replace automatically for you. For instance, an alias in bash has the following structure:

alias alias_name="command_to_alias arg1 arg2"

Note that there is no space around the equal sign =, because alias is a shell command that takes a single argument.

Aliases have many convenient features:

# Make shorthands for common flags
alias ll="ls -lh"

# Save a lot of typing for common commands
alias gs="git status"
alias gc="git commit"
alias v="vim"

# Save you from mistyping
alias sl=ls

# Overwrite existing commands for better defaults
alias mv="mv -i"           # -i prompts before overwrite
alias mkdir="mkdir -p"     # -p make parent dirs as needed
alias df="df -h"           # -h prints human readable format

# Alias can be composed
alias la="ls -A"
alias lla="la -l"

# To ignore an alias run it prepended with \
# Or disable an alias altogether with unalias
unalias la

# To get an alias definition just call it with alias
alias ll
# Will print ll='ls -lh'

Note that aliases do not persist shell sessions by default. To make an alias persistent you need to include it in shell startup files, like .bashrc or .zshrc, which we are going to introduce in the next section.


Many programs are configured using plain-text files known as dotfiles (because the file names begin with a ., e.g. ~/.vimrc, so that they are hidden in the directory listing ls by default).

Shells are one example of programs configured with such files. On startup, your shell will read many files to load its configuration. Depending on the shell, whether you are starting a login and/or interactive the entire process can be quite complex. Here is an excellent resource on the topic. But the most important thing to know is your shell will source all your dotfiles in your home directory to load their configurations. You can check out what the source program does with man source. So this means if you have an extra function you want in all shell sessions, or you just updated some settings in your .bashrc, you can use source ~/.bashrc to update your shell settings.

For bash, editing your .bashrc or .bash_profile will work in most systems. Here you can include commands that you want to run on startup, like the alias we just described or modifications to your PATH environment variable. In fact, many programs will ask you to include a line like export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/program/bin" in your shell configuration file so their binaries can be found.

Some other examples of tools that can be configured through dotfiles are:

How should you organize your dotfiles? They should be in their own folder, under version control, and symlinked into place using a script. This has the benefits of:

What should you put in your dotfiles? You can learn about your tool’s settings by reading online documentation or man pages. Another great way is to search the internet for blog posts about specific programs, where authors will tell you about their preferred customizations. Yet another way to learn about customizations is to look through other people’s dotfiles: you can find tons of dotfiles repositories on Github — see the most popular one here (we advise you not to blindly copy configurations though). Here is another good resource on the topic.

A common pain with dotfiles is that the configurations might not work when working with several machines, e.g. if they have different operating systems or shells. Sometimes you also want some configuration to be applied only in a given machine.

There are some tricks for making this easier. If the configuration file supports it, use the equivalent of if-statements to apply machine specific customizations. For example, your shell could have something like:

if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then {do_something}; fi

# Check before using shell-specific features
if [[ "$SHELL" == "zsh" ]]; then {do_something}; fi

# You can also make it machine-specific
if [[ "$(hostname)" == "myServer" ]]; then {do_something}; fi

If the configuration file supports it, make use of includes. For example, a ~/.gitconfig can have a setting:

    path = ~/.gitconfig_local

And then on each machine, ~/.gitconfig_local can contain machine-specific settings. You could even track these in a separate repository for machine-specific settings.

This idea is also useful if you want different programs to share some configurations. For instance, if you want both bash and zsh to share the same set of aliases you can write them under .aliases and have the following block in both:

# Test if ~/.aliases exists and source it
if [ -f ~/.aliases ]; then
    source ~/.aliases

Key Points